Wednesday 3 February 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 20 (Snow Queen) - 03/02/16

Today, we discussed the details of how we would perform Charlie's scene based on which way he chose to perform it. This led to us actually beginning to block and rehearse this scene.

Charlie decided that he didn't want any movement in his scene and that he wanted it to be him reading out the text while the rest of us speak some of the lines in unison. Choral voice is a great way to grab an audience's attention by highlighting some of the key words in a story by having more than one person speaking them.

We began by reading the story to make sure everyone knew what this section of The Snow Queen was about. We then read through it again but for each sentence we decided whether there was a word which we felt would be effective to all speak at once. This resulted in multiple adjectives and characters names being spoken in unison. We decided that we would definitely have the characters Snow Queen and Finland Lady spoken with choral voice as they are main characters in this section of The Snow Queen.

When we started to the read the text with the selected words spoke in unison, we decided that it sounded wrong to have so many people speak one word so we decided to allocate each word to one or two people. This lowered the volume a tad and made the story more interesting to listen to.

After reading through the text a couple of times, we decided to choose where we would have our audience and how we would be positioned. We thought placing ourselves within the audience will add an eerie effect to our story telling as it would seem they were hearing voices amongst them. We positioned ourselves so that there was some sort of gap between the speakers who say lines together very often. For example, James and I say quite a few lines in unison so we positioned ourselves at opposite sides of the class room from each other.

Next lesson, we will focus on Rhiannon's scene and therefore completely finish devising our performance. This means that after Rhiannon's scene, we'd focus on tidying up what we already have and recording the narration which needs recording.

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