Friday 5 February 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 15 - 05/02/16

Today we devised the still image scene between Shanice and Hunter and performed our entire piece from the beginning up to the end of Clive's monologue.

When creating the still image scene we wanted to show the couple's relationship evolve but we didn't want it to be too cheesy. Originally we wanted to have a series of still images with thought tracks but I came up with a potentially better alternative. I thought instead, we would have them mime what they were doing for a few seconds then they end in a still image of them holding each others hands. I thought it would be cute if they were holding hands on each still image but that may come across as too cheesy. We could also have thought tracks here too but for now we wanted to see if the mime to still image idea worked first before adding more to it. Below is the scene outline:
  • DI Sanderson asks Shanice what her relationship was like after that first date, he's sat on the left side of the table while Shanice is on the right chair. She talks about how her relationship was perfect.
  • The pair move their respected sides chairs to the front and sit in them. DI Sanderson has changed to Hunter via rolling down his sleeves and wearing his cap. Hunter tries to grab her drink but she mimes saying no jokingly but seriously. He taps her on the opposite shoulder while she's not looking and she turns behind her.
  • He sneaks her drink to where she laughs and frowns to seek attention. He puts the drink back when he's done and holds her hand. They freeze for a few seconds.
  • The pair then lean back in their seats and act as if they are driving with Shanice in the passenger seat.
  • The pair then move their seats back to their respected sides and sit in them as if they were eating dinner on a date. Hunter gets up walks over to her and proposes to her.
  • They get up and start hugging each other in a frenzy love. Shanice sits back in her seat and DI Sanderson sits back on the table.
An idea I had for this scene was to have a soft instrumental of You Don't Own Me as a backing track. I thought this would be great foreshadowing of the events later to come.

After devising then performing this new scene, we continued to run through what we had. Upon completion of this runthrough, we made a list of any major issues we encountered:
  • As DI Sanderson, Charlie kept calling Hunter Charlie due to us previously having our characters share the same name as us. We will determine next lesson whether we'd change the names back to our own names or leave them how they are.
  • When performing the, "Elastic Heart," scene when we reached my monologue, the song kept on going which required us to manually turn the song off. By next lesson, I will have edited the song so it fades out at the right time and I will also add and cut any other music we have in our piece. This includes:
    • You Don't Own Me (edited)
    • Text tone
    • Marimba ringtone
    • Phone call conversation
Next lesson, we will work on devising the remainder of our piece then focus on sorting out any issues we have.

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