Monday 1 February 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 9 - 01/02/16

Today, we continued with our masks by adding Plaster Paris over the top of the paper features which we glued to our masks. After adding one layer of the Plaster Paris my features are a lot more distinguished and accentuated. Shown in the picture to the right, my wrinkles on my forehead and large eyebrows are a lot more bolder and embossed, giving my character an aged look. This matches Pantalone's description of being very old from my character research. I also gave my mask a short, hooked nose as this represented power in Commedia masks. This level of power matches the high status of Pantalone in the world of Commedia Dell'arte.
Next lesson, we will focus on adding any more necessary layers of Plaster Paris to strengthen the masks and painting them.

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