Thursday 11 February 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 17 - 11/02/16

Today in Single, I shared with Charlie and Hope my ideas for our Hunter's Breakdown scene!

We began by discussing which music we would use; we could either have the original track of Madness by MUSE or the instrumental. We all agreed to use the instrumental as the lyrics may distract the audience's attention from the performance. Also, we didn't want our audience to recognise the song as they would be thinking of the artist and the artist's thoughts on the song, whereas the effect we wanted was the audience to be reminded of our performance upon listening to the song in other scenarios of their lives.

We then got up and started acting it out without music so that we weren't under any pressure to rush through the movement. We learnt the actions pretty quickly and my vision was becoming a reality! After this slow run, we ran it again but with the music and me saying out loud what should happen when so that Hope and Charlie knew what to do and when as they were new to the choreography!

Next lesson, we will polish up the choreography and then film this scene. We'd then start planning what to improve and our decisions will be based on what needs improving in our video we took last Friday of everything we had so far.

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