Thursday 25 February 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 19 - 25/02/16

Today was a very effective lesson for us as we made some major changes to our piece which will result in scenes being added and removed.

We began discussing the future of our piece and we'd realised we've forgotten our original focus: the death of Charlie! We felt we had added in the interrogation scenes at the beginning but towards the end of the piece we were more focused on the relationship statuses of the trio rather than leading the audience onto who the killer was. When devising the interrogations we have we had made them rather short. This was most likely due to us having a production plan so soon that we wanted to move onto the scene so we had very poorly constructed short interrogations. In order to improve this, I will research police interrogations and analyse what sort of language the interrogator uses, how the person being interrogated reacts and how they last. 

We agreed that in order to improve our piece and redirect the current focus we have, we need to create new interrogation scenes and perhaps alter the ones we already have. We definitely need to add more interrogations with Hope as she only has one; we will need to add at least one more interrogation with me. However, when adding interrogations, they must be relevant and offer more information to the plot every timer otherwise they would be wasted time.

We also discussed how we could change the opening too! We had an idea of using news reports and headlines to show the death of Charlie but only show part of the headline; at the end we show the entire headline which reveals the extra vital information. Below is the outline we came up with:

  • Charlie starts seated on the back chair and falls slow motion onto the table, dead. Whilst this is happening, we will have news headlines projected behind him saying something along the lines of "Body found in North London apartment"/"North London man found dead" etc.
  • We will also have audio from news reports repeated over the top exclaiming relevant things but not giving away that it was suicide.
  • In the final scene, we will show Charlie taking a cyanide pill and then the projections which follow will also have the correct ending added which reveals that Charlie's death was suicide. The news reports audio will also continue to reveal that his death was suicide too.
Next lesson, we will spend researching how we will be able to get the audio and headline and whether they will merge perfectly or not. If not we will have to work out a resolution.

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