Tuesday 2 February 2016

Double - Storytelling - Research (Snow Queen)

Last night had put my developed story telling technique into practise! I decided to read my younger sister a bed time story. The story I read was Cinderella and took about 10 minutes to read. When telling the story I took notice of what I had learnt from my research on story telling:
  • I varied my pitch/tone when reading to keep my voice interesting to listen to
  • I changed my voice completely for when I spoke characters lines to give the effect that the story teller and the characters are all separate people. I also changed my voice appropriately to each character; for example when I spoke the lines of the Fairy Godmother, I was well-spoken and slightly higher pitched but as the Ugly Step-Sisters, I spoke rather common and sharp.
  • I paced myself a lot better making sure I didn't rush through the story but not longing it out either.
After reading the story, my sister was well-entertained and wanted me to read another! This has improved my story telling skills a lot more as I've put them into practise. This will enhance my section of narration a lot and therefore improve the whole performance.

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