Monday 11 January 2016

Triple - Historical Context - Blog 3 (Greek) - 11/01/16

Today we were asked to search for a play from our selected era and cast it. We would then spend around a week practising a section of each play then perform them.

I decided that I wanted my piece to be a comedy as they are rather popular in modern day times so this puts a slight modern twist on a play with Greek Theatre techniques.

The play I found was called, "The Frogs," which was written by Aristophanes. It was performed at the Lenaia, one of the Festivals of Dionysus in Athens, and received first place. I picked this play because of it being critically acclaimed and a comedy.

These are the roles I cast:
Dionysus: Dan
Euripides: Tom
Aeschylus: Toby
Pluto: Ashley
Chorus: Lorna/Lewis

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