Thursday 14 January 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 5 - 14/01/16

Today we went over our domestic violence short piece and performed it for recording. Whilst rehearsing, we added a new section at the end which elaborated on the types of domestic violence and more involving standing up to domestic violence.

Continuing on from where Hope pushes me to the floor, this is what we devised to happen next:
  • Hope kicks me after throwing me to the floor and narrator (Charlie) says, "Domestic Abuse comes in many forms, such as: Physical,"
  • When Charlie says, "Verbal," Hope and I mime her shouting at me while I sit on the floor apologising to her.
  • When Charlie says, "and Emotional," he takes Hope's hand and spins her around.
  • Charlie then says, "With the help of someone else, all the problems go away." He then walks over to me helps me up and we walk off together.
This signifies the message that we were trying to put across through this piece: that speaking out about your issues helps.

Below is the recording:

After this we made a decision on which of our ideas we were going to develop further. We chose our first idea with the death of Charlie due to his relationships with Hope and Lewis. We decided on this story as we had already done a lot of research into it as we were very confident with this idea at the start and we felt we could do a lot more with it. We decided for the last 15 minutes of the lesson, we'd write down a production outline. To the right is our plan!

For next lesson we will all conduct some research into our piece: Hope will research monologues, Charlie research drama puppetry and I will research gay people and their coming out stories. For my research, I will interview my gay friends about their social experiences with being gay; they will remain anonymous.

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