Friday 15 January 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 6 - 15/01/16

Today, as Charlie wasn't in, I conducted research on gay people! As my character comes out bisexual, I though it would be very useful to research how people came out and revealed their sexuality. I interviewed two of my gay friends, who won't be named, about their experiences coming out to the world about their sexuality. Below are the questions followed by the responses:

  1. What was it like coming out to your friends and family?
    1. Quite difficult
    2. It's easier for friends because they're your friends for a reason but family, you're kind of stuck together.
  2. When did you come out?
    1. 2014
    2. 2013
  3. How long has it been since you came out?
    1. 2 years?
    2. 3 years
  4. Have you been confronted about being gay?
    1. No, because they're scared of me
    2. One kid shouted "Fag!" at me but besides that no
  5. Have your friends been supportive?
    1. Some haven't but I suppose they're not my real friends
    2. Yes
  6. Have you always thought you were gay?
    1. It just kind of happened
    2. I found out at a young age (of 8) but I didn't come out as I feared everyone's reaction.
  7. What would you advise to someone wanting to come out?
    1. Get it over and done with
    2. Do it when you're ready
From this exercise, I've learnt that people react to coming out differently than others. From what I've learnt about how others have experience coming out, I've written down what my character, Lewis would've answered:
  1. My mum and dad are "always here for me" but the kids at school always laugh at me. I didn't have many friends and I have none now
  2. 2008
  3. 8 Years ago
  4. Nearly everyone has called me names, laughed at me, pushed me in the corridors, thrown paper at me in class, just solid bullying ever since
  5. I told my friends first. One of them told his sociology class and now everyone knows! The others left me for 'better' people.
  6. For a few years, I've felt something but I've always kept it quiet.
  7. Don't bother, it does nothing but bring pain.

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