Wednesday 27 January 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 19 (Snow Queen) - 27/01/16

Today, we spent time discussing our research we conducted on storytellers, watched performances of professional world champion storytellers, and discussed Ollie's plans for his scene.

To begin with, we observed each others research for different storytellers. Some of us chosen movie actors (e.g. Morgan Freeman) and others chose audiobook readers (e.g. Stephen Fry). My decision to choose James Earl Jones was very different compared to everyone else's as he used a very bassy tone and elongated vowel sounds to portray a wise character (much like his character Mufasa in The Lion King). Meanwhile, Lorna's choice of Judy Dench represented a more regal and well spoken approach to storytelling. Knowing the different dialects and word choices etc. of there storytellers has now broadened my knowledge on storytelling and I will utilise this in my performance.

Afterwards, we watched a performance of a world champion storyteller on YouTube. We analysed her different techniques she used such as exaggerative facial expressions, loud gestures and her constant movement. This showed us that there are different elements to story telling other than voice; movement plays a large role in telling a story.

Finally, we spent the rest of the lesson discussing how Ollie wanted his scene to be done. He wanted it to be just him on the stage telling the end of the story with projection (sorted out by him), a small dance sequence (to be choreographed by Lorna and I) and a 3D sound scape (designed by Rob).

Next lesson, we will focus on what Charlie wants for his scene and how we will make his different to everyone else's.

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