Wednesday 13 January 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 17 (Snow Queen) - 13/01/16

Today, we've finally completed James' story and finally filmed it!

To begin with, Lorna and I took Rhiannon through the third story as she wasn't there when we spent the one lesson on it. We really needed to do this at some point as Rhiannon was playing the role of Gerda in this story who is a main role in this story. Now that we have Rhiannon completely up to date we can potentially perform the first three stories chronologically. 

We then cracked down on the second story and aimed to complete devising it. The last point we got to was  Kay (Me) jumping on the sledge and riding away with the Snow Queen (Rhiannon). For the next part Kay comes out from being a silhouette and has gotten off the sledge. Kay looks around scared and the Snow Queen appears. She (Rhiannon) kisses his (my) forehead twice sending sharp pains into his heart. I lie crippled and crumpled on the floor at this point as the Snow Queen watches in pleasure. We then both exit and as we exit, Charlie enters the silhouette as the Snow Queen and gets lifted to represent flying.

We decided to use Charlie as the Snow Queen as it would make the piece a lot more fluid if the moment someone exits, another enters; this is very difficult to achieve with Rhiannon constantly playing the role of Snow Queen. Also, where Rhiannon hasn't got much experience with being lifted, Charlie is very experienced with them and he's a great deal better at holding his core when in the air than Rhiannon. This lowers the risk of the lift failing and more importantly someone getting hurt.

Below is the final recording of the second story which we filmed yesterday:

The main thing I think needs improving is we need to add more to the short section at the end where the Snow Queen kisses Kay and freezes his heart. A great deal of it was Rhiannon and I giving each other awkward looks as if to say, "Now what?" If we were to add just simple gestures or movement, this section will become much less awkward.

Next lesson, we'll make sure that we add something new to the short section at the end and we'll also get round to filming the third story.

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