Wednesday 20 January 2016

Double - Storytelling - Narrator Research - 20/01/16

Last lesson I was asked to conduct research on a specific narrator and how their voices captivates and immerses me into the story they are trying to tell. This was a difficult choice for me so I went with two very different narrators: Edward Norton, most commonly known for his role as The Narrator in the hit 1999 film Fight Club, and James Earl Jones, famed for voicing characters such as Darth Vader from Star Wars and Mufasa in The Lion King. Below is my research conducted on the pair in bullet point form:

James Earl Jones (Based on Mufasa monologue & "The Raven" by EAP reading)
  • Extremely bassy voice
  • Extends vowel sounds where appropriate to have you hanging onto the word for as long as possible
  • Accurately placed pauses for effect
  • Sharp yet low portrays raw authority and power
  • Echoes embody the true supremacy of his characters
Edward Norton (Based on "An Urbanising Planet" narration & "Fight Club" monologue)
  • Slightly high pitched american accent
  • Fast paced speech makes you want to keep up with his narration
  • Fast yet fluent speech impresses the listener thus maintaining their interest and attention
  • Pauses are less frequent that JEJ but they match well with his high tempo speech

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