Friday 15 January 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 5 - 15/01/16

Today in Double, we decided on an outline for our characters and we did research into our character's movement.

Firstly, we spoke about our outline and how we were going to kill Harlequin. We first had thoughts of having Harlequin die in the middle of the play. Before his death we'd show the motives behind everyone wanting to kill Harlequin and after, we'd show everyone deducing who killed him. However, we then decided that it would be more effective introducing the piece with Harlequin's death then flashback to everyone's whereabouts before his death, therefore revealing their motives. Our plan is pictured to the right. We decided to do this to give us a clear outline of what we wanted and we can keep on track. If we ever don't know what we're doing, we can refer back to the production plan.

Next we got the laptops and researched our character's stance and how they moved. We needed to do this so we had our movement perfected. Without this we can't devise because we wouldn't know how to move correctly. From this, I've learnt this about Pantalone's movement (all info found from
  • Hunch-back
  • Restricted leg motion
  • Feet together, Toes apart, Knees bent, focus on the crotch
  • Small, slow steps
  • Nose in the air/seated with head in hands/cuddle position with women/nose targeted to parts of the female anatomy
  • Hands flutter continuously or behind his back
  • High pitched voice (like a chicken squawk
  • To self-interested in himself to be aware of spectators
After trialling and perfecting my Pantalone movement, we came together as a group and we performed each other's characters while the actor playing the character watches. This would allow the actor to see how everyone else's variations of their character and make relevent changes to their own performance.

For next lesson, we need to present a design for our masks with notes on why we made the mask look the way it does (e.g the length of the nose/eyebrows)

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