Thursday 28 January 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 11 - 28/01/16

Today in Single, Hope, Charlie and I decided that as we had so much done already in the short time that we've spent on this unit, we've focused this lesson on recapping previous scenes and perfecting them. We decided we'd time our run through so we could have an idea on how long our piece would last with what we already had. Doing this activity helps us remember our movement and speech and approach our piece with a more analytical mindset.

We ran all the way up to meeting Shanice in the canteen when Hope brought up some flaws with the meeting of the future fiancées. These flaws are listed below:
  • When Clive mentions his bullying to Hunter, he says that everyone hates him, yet when the pair go the lunch hall, Shanice calls Clive over to sit with her; this goes against what Clive said earlier.
  • Also, it would make no sense for Hunter to not get told off for hitting Kyle.
We have now changed the scene so it makes much more sense baring in mind what would actually happen in a school environment and the relationships between students. Here is the new outline from where we made changes up to the beginning of Clive's next interrogation scene:
  • Clive mentions to Hunter how all the guys bully him for being bisexual (we make it clear that the guys, in reference to all the boys, are the ones who bully him which covers up the issue of Shanice and Clive's friendship).
  • Hunter exits then re-enters holding his fist, he asks Clive to help him to the Headteacher's office as he doesn't know where it is as he's new.
  • **TRANSITION** Lewis and Charlie exit, Hope enters and takes the left chair and places it to the left of the front chair. Lewis and Charlie re-enter. Lewis takes the front chair and faces it towards the audience while Charlie takes the right chair and places it to the right of the front chair. This is outside the 
  • Clive and Hunter enter and sit down in their seats explained above, and greet Shanice. Clive introduces Hunter to Shanice. Hunter then has to go to the headteacher and exits.
  • Shanice asks Clive about Hunter and they discuss where he came from and whether Clive has his number. Hunter then re-enters.
  • Hunter tells them about his 3 day exclusion and Shanice nudges Clive saying "Get his number." Clive suggests Hunter texts him tonight as he has to get to sociology so asks for his number. Hunter shows Clive his number, Clive gives Shanice a look, then he reads the number out loud slowly. Shanice frantically types the digits into her phone then proceeds to smiling at the pair nonchalantly.
  • Clive picks up his chair while saying goodbye to the pair and places where the right chair would go and he sits there ready for his next interrogation scene. Shanice says that she needs to see the headteacher next and then leaves taking her chair with her and places it back in the left chair position. Hunter then stands, places the chair in the front chair position and then sits on the table with his hat off to represent the character of DI Sanderson.
With these changes made our story hasn't got any plot-holes we know of!

We continued running through the piece skipping over the parts we hadn't devised yet and pausing the timer when we needed to. After our runthrough the length of our incomplete piece is 16 minutes and 10 seconds! As our piece only needs to be 20-30 minutes long and we still have a couple of scenes left to devise, I feel we're very ahead of schedule and we'll be able to have a piece with the correct length.

Following this recap activity, we decided to sort out part of our new scene which shows Hunter's breakdown after leaving both of his partners due to his overwhelming guilt! We recorded the phone call between Hunter and his boss after him not coming into work. We first scripted the conversation as it made things a lot easier when it came to actually recording the conversation. We arranged the scene so we would have Hunter receive a call and he would say his part live while his boss would be recorded. The conversation goes like this:

Boss - Hello. May I speak with Hunter Andrews, please?
Hunter - Yeah, speaking
Boss - Hi, yeah, it's Steven from work
Hunter - Oh! You alright? What's up?
Boss - "Whats up?" Maybe the fact that you haven’t been showing up for work in the last week and when you did before that, your service was terrible, I must have had roughly 8 complaints about your appalling service in the space of four hours.
Hunter - Oh, I'm sorry, it's been a rough week and a lo has been going on. I won't do it again!
Boss - No, I know you won’t because you won’t be coming back to this shop again for a long time, I called head office today and they are sorting out terminating your contract right now. Come in and get your stuff from your locker and sign your end of contract papers and you can be on your way. Thanks.

Now that this is recorded, we have that one less thing to do which gives us more time to do more complicated tasks and recap old scenes!

Next lesson we will focus on making a scene, prop and costume list and how we were going to complete our unfinished scenes.

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