Wednesday 6 January 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Individual Work 1 - 05/01/16

Whilst writing up my blog for last lesson, I had an absolute brainwave of ideas on how our simple piece can be taken further. Although the concept we have is only temporary for now, I still pondered on the thought of, "If we were to actually perform this concept, how would it work?"

I decided it would be great to have an interrogation between the police and whoever is telling their side of the story. I feel it would appropriately display the emotions of each character because of the situation they're in and this forms a much closer relationship between the characters and the audience. When Hope would be talking to the police interrogator (Charlie), she would be in tears, struggling to compose herself but when Lewis does, he'd be in an extreme state of depression. We would switch between the interrogations and other scenes which would show the other scenes as flashbacks which they are referring to in the interrogations.

Something I want to be very strong our piece is the idea of symbolism! This Brecht technique not only helps the audience understand the situations, but gives the entire story a whole new level of depth. When actors multi role (e.g. Charlie is Charlie and the police interrogator), he would wear a specific item of clothing for each to symbolise which character he is in each scene. Also, a lot of the performances, ideas and themes will be expressed through the symbolisation of the characters.

I thought about how we would establish the relationship between Hope and Charlie, and how we turn it from something happy to something nasty. I thought that they should start off in what's known as the "honeymoon stage" where they are madly in love but then things fall into a routine and Charlie starts treating her badly by restricting her. I thought that we could use a great deal of physical theatre in this scene and we could use the song, "Chasing Pavements," as a backing track to keep to the stimulus. An alternative song to perform to would be, "You Don't Own Me," by Grace as the lyrics link to a controlling relationship and the song changes many times.

Following this scene, we'd have her looking through his phone before he goes to work, as he left his phone behind. At the beginning of the scene, Charlie and Hope are in their living room and Charlie is glued to his phone sending flirty texts to Lewis. Hope asks who he's talking to and he replies very harshly and avoids the matter. When leaving for work, he puts his phone down and exits to fetch his bag, Hope picks up his phone but she hears Charlie coming back and puts his phone behind her. He leaves for work with a nonchalant goodbye and she starts looking through his messages and comes across the conversations between Charlie and Lewis as she notices, "kissy face emojis." She soon discovers the affair going on behind her back. I feel it would be great to have a soundscape, after she reads the messages and realises what's happening, of the two repeating some of their messages to each other. Charlie would then enter in search of his phone and she would through it at him in rage, crying and breaking down emotionally, shouting at him to leave. Hope is left to ponder for a moment with a short monologue. She performs this monologue at a table and progressively, Charlie joins her at the table and this fades into the next interrogation.

When Lewis tells his side of the story to the audience, I figured we'd show them as younger versions of themselves to show how that the bond between them has existed for a long time. I feel something involving hymn hands and round-by-through would be very effective as these techniques are very close and personal which symbolises the relationship between the pair. We would then have the pair meeting up and Lewis confesses his feelings for Charlie. At first puzzled by this, Charlie slowly comes to believe Lewis and falls into it. The scene would end with the pair holding each other's hands and fading into the next scene. This scene would be the pair on opposite sides of the stage in split focus flirting and talking to each other over text. We'd read out our texts as if we were having a conversation but in reality, the pair are miles apart. 

The next scene would be Charlie calling everything off with Lewis. Lewis doesn't take it well and accuses Charlie of mocking him for his feelings by only being with him for a week until breaking up with him. He lashes out with a forceful shove in anger and Charlie retreats. Lewis is left to ponder for a moment with a short monologue. She performs this monologue at a table and progressively, Charlie joins her at the table and this fades into the next interrogation.

To summarise Hope's side of the story would go:
  • Interrogation
  • Physical theatre scene based on restriction
  • Interrogation cont.
  • Discovery of the affair
  • Interrogation
And Lewis' side of the story would go:
  • Interrogation
  • Childhood memories scene
  • Interrogation
  • Sexuality reveal
  • Interrogation
  • Flirty texts
  • Interrogation
  • The Break-up
  • Interrogation
I feel that Hope's character really needs more so in our next lesson, I'l discuss these ideas with my group and we'll work something out.

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