Monday 11 January 2016

Double - Commedia Dell'arte - Blog 4 - 11/01/16

Today, we performed our presentations on our characters for our Commedia devised piece! I feel mine was interesting, informative and entertaining and my colleagues thought the same.

Following our presentations, we were asked to think about a plot for our performance keeping in mind what we already know about our characters. My original idea was to have Pantalone try to split up the lovers with the assistance of his servants, Brighella, Harlequin and Zanni. Although I was very happy with this idea, the rest of the class, and I too, loved James' idea: a murder mystery!

The first thing we needed to decided was, "Who was going to be murdered?" Everyone's initial thoughts were having Harlequin being killed off. This is due to Harlequin's non-caring and annoying nature and we all felt that Harlequin would find some sort of way to irritate someone to point of where they were willing to murder him.

With this sorted we had to decide a killer but before this we decided to write down how every character was linked to each other and especially Harlequin. We did this because we needed to understand the links between each character and their relationships effectively in order to decide who would kill Harlequin and why. Here are the relationships between Pantalone and:

  • Doctor: Friends, they share banter
  • Zanni: Master
  • Brighella: Master
  • Captain: Master
  • Harlequin: Master
  • Columbina: Master
  • 1st Actor: Father
  • 1st Actress: Boyfriend's Father
Next lesson we should try and decide who killed Harlequin, why and maybe even make a production outline or even a rough idea of how the events happen; that way we have something to work towards.

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