Wednesday 20 January 2016

Double - Storytelling - Blog 18 (Snow Queen) 20/01/16

Today we finally moved onto a different section of Snow Queen! This time it was Rob's turn to devise a scene! Below are my actions during the piece:
  • We start off as my sections ends, all in a circle around Rhiannon who is on the floor huddled up.
  • When the Snow Queen is mentioned in Rob's narration, I exit the circle and leave the stage.
  • When the narration mentions many men trying to win the queen's hand, I enter centre stage and walk towards her. I gesture towards her flirtatiously but when she gestures for me to leave I join the end of the line behind Lorna and Charlie. I then repeat this multiple times as they leave from rejection and I reach the front of the line.
  • When the pearl is mentioned, I enter centre stage and lay on the floor as a ball and Rhiannon sits on me; at this point I'm representing the pearl. When Rhiannon stands, I exit.
  • When the lamp is mentioned, I go on my knees and follow Lorna everywhere she goes.
  • When the palm tree is mentioned, I stand behind the rest of the class in a line with my arms in the air like the leaves of a palm tree, our bodies representing the trunk of the tree. When everyone else falls, I resume my role as the lamp.
  • When Lorna lies down, I stand and join the circle around her.
After devising this scene, we were asked to conduct some research on a narrator/storyteller whose voice captivates us. In my separate blog post is my research.

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