Friday 22 January 2016

Single - Devised Unit (CP) - Blog 9 - 22/01/16

Today, I began to script my monologue for when Clive gets dumped by Hunter. Below is what I scripted but nothing is set in stone yet:
Why? Why has this happened to me?!?! For my whole life, people bullying me tormenting my feelings. My sexuality being a joke for two years at school! People always giving me evils and threatening to do things to me... horrible things. "Oi everyone watch out for Clive in the showers! Don't let 'im touch your knob!" Constant mocking! But then he came along... Hunter. My diamond in the rough! My one and only! I didn't trust him at first but he was different. He didn't satisfaction from tormenting me, but he only wanted a friend! He chose me! He punched Kyle! He was the one for me! When we left school we lost touch but it was him who tried to meet up again! It was him! Not me! He made that effort for me and it confirmed my feelings! I told him how I felt and he loved me too! He felt the same way! At least I thought so... He tricked me! In the end he was just like everyone else! He hurt me in a way that just fractured my heart and I don't think I'll ever heal! He's just a No, no, no he didn't mean for it to end this way! He was only trying to console me. It was her fault! His so called, "Love of his life!" but she was nothing but a distraction for him! She made him more focused on her than his work and never let him have fun! But it was my fault! I introduced him to her! Wh-wh-wh-what have I done! It's my fault! I killed Hunter! It's all my fault and... and now I can never have him back! It's all my fucking fault!!!
Now that I have this monologue scripted, I have a guideline to base my speech from other than going off a basic idea and mostly improvising! If I were to learn my monologue off by heart, then my performance will be improved tenfold.

Next lesson, we'll decide which scene we want to devise next and possibly work on performing and perfecting our monologues.

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