Wednesday 14 September 2016

Triple - Naturalism & Realism - Blog 3 - 14/09/16

Today, we begun our work on proxemics; the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others.

We started off by acting out our scenes again, keeping in mind proxemics, but this time without actually speaking. This tested our ability to portray our speech through actions whilst still focusing on how close we are to our partner and where our body is directed. Charlie and I found it difficult at first to perform the scene without speaking however this allowed us to focus on our movement much more meaning we made more progress with perfecting our proxemics.

We then added the dialogue back into the scenes now that we were better with our proxemics.

At the end of the lesson, I received my 15 minute (approx.) monologue which I didn't get from last lesson due to absence. Mine was about a 28-year-old gay art gallery owner whose boyfriend had just committed suicide.

Next lesson, we will look at these in more detail.

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