Tuesday 27 September 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 8 - 27/09/16

Today we began our work on our scene from Mother Courage And Her Children. We first received our roles from Charlie, our director for the scene, which are as follows:

  • Recruiter - James
  • Sergeant - Ollie K
  • Mother Courage - Hope
  • Elder Son - Rob
  • Younger Son - Ollie M
  • Eilif - Kat
  • Swiss Cheese - Lewis (Me)
  • Kattrin - Lorna
This scene features a lot of Brechtian techniques which I feel portrays these characters best as they were written to played in Brechtian fashion. Some of the techniques we used include Placards for character names and places, choral speaking, speaking stage directions, onstage costume changes, and split screen.

Next lesson, we will rehearse it once more and perform it.

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