Friday 9 September 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 2 - 09/09/16

Today in Single, we continued with our work on Antigone from last lesson and blocked out our short scene. As Rob and I talk to each other in the scene we made sure we were next to each other. The way we performed our section was I sat with a piece of paper and a pen and I was writing a letter home to my mother detailing our recent success in battle and I was asking Rob for help with the letter. I would read out the details I already had and Rob shouted more in excitement.

After this, we were asked to "translate" our lines into something that made more sense to us and we would then run the scene again using our newly made lines. This would help us with how we said our lines as they were in a more familiar form than the rough Greek translation.

Following this activity we performed the original scene but as we had studied the meaning of our lines it was easier to say the original lines as we knew the meaning of them. Below is our final performance of the scene:

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