Wednesday 14 September 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 3 - 14/09/16

Today we spent the lesson doing workshop exercises we may be asked to perform in an audition. This was to show us how radical some theatre companies/drama schools may be with the tasks they set!

Below are the tasks we were asked to do:

Following this we were asked to perform one of the monologue's we were asked to prepare for this lesson. I chose my monologue from Chekhov's The Seagull as I was more familiar with it and had a better understanding of the plot. I feel this monologue got a very good reception.

Halfway though, I was asked to stop and repeat my monologue as if I had just eaten the hottest chilli I had ever eaten before! The way I performed it this time was MUCH different o before due to my tongue rolling out my mouth and my heavy breathing and coughing. This request was very odd but I dove straight in and performed to the best of my ability.

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