Thursday 29 September 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 9 - 29/09/16

Today, we performed our scene from Mother Courage and Her Children.

We started off with a quick rehearsal but then went on to perform the scene for recording.
Below is the video of our performance:

  • All of us had superb characterisation throughout. We portrayed our character in a very Brecht manner.
  • I forgot my "Leaving the other one blank," line as I was focusing too much on my movement, however Hope covered this up well by saying my line for me.
  • When Rob forgot his, "Second Finnish Regiment," line, Ollie K did well to alert of this by proceeding to nudge him with his foot and repeat his question which was suitable for Ollie's character of Sergeant.
  • Halfway through the scene, I realised that we didn't have our box (helmet) onstage. However, once Charlie was made aware of this, we worked together to get the box onstage discreetly, I feel this worked rather well. However, considering this is Epic Theatre, it wouldn't matter if I simply walked offstage to get the box and came back on as things like set changes happened in front of the audience.

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