Thursday 15 September 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 4 - 15/09/16

Today in Single, we continued on with our scene from An Inspector Calls.

As Ollie wasn't in today, James too his role as Gerald as Eric only has a few lines where Gerald has an important role in the script. We decided to cut Eric's lines for the time being as they weren't very important.

After reading through our scene to remind ourselves of the story, we blocked out where we would all be seated/standing. We felt that Eric's chair would be distanced from the rest of us as Sheila is the centre of attention at the time. We had Gerald and Sheila seated near each other as they are a couple but not too close as they are in the company of Sheila's parents. Arthur and Sybil were to be seated next to each other too for the same reason and Arthur's seat would be closer to Shelia than Sybil's as he feels he is the man of the house and he wants to be closer to his daughter, especially in a like this: of celebration.

Next, we worked on our voice. From my children's theatre unit, I needed to have a posh voice so I carried that on to this performance. With the Birling's being far superior to working class, we felt that would speak very posh; also, as Victorian theatre was very melodramatic, we felt that these posh voices needed to be very over the top to the point that it wasn't very realistic. This took some of us a while after we got into the swing of things, we managed to get our voices right.

After our first run-through, we felt that our piece was very lacking in movement so we decided to work on this next. We decided that only James and I would stand as, normally in these times, women were seen as lesser citizens and would be virtually owned by their husbands and fathers. We took this very literally and disallowed Lorna and Kat from standing without our permission. James and I wouldn't stand up very often but when we did, it was only little movements which, in a scene like this, go a long way.

Next lesson, we will work more on our movement specifically focusing on proxemics, something I am very familiar with from Triple.

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