Thursday 22 September 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 7 - 22/09/16

Today, we finished and presented our research on Bertolt Brecht. After creating my own and watching others presentations, I feel like my knowledge on Brecht and his conventions has grown a lot!

We then quickly went over the play we'll be working on a scene from next lesson: Mother Courage and her children. The play is set in Europe during the Thirty Years' War. Mother Courage, a canteen woman, pulls her cart with her three children (Eilif, Kattrin, and Swiss Cheese) in the wake of the army, trading with the soldiers and attempting to make profit from the war.

As the scene we were given only has eight roles (and we have nine members of our class), we decided to elect Charlie as our director for the scene to decide which Brechtian conventions we'll use and when as trying to ram all of his techniques in one scene would prove to be very messy and forced.

Next lesson we will fin out who Charlie has cast in each role and start performing this scene based off of his direction.

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