Thursday 8 September 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 1 - 08/09/16

Today we began work on our new unit, Applying Acting Styles. We went through the unit's content and began with our first acting style: Greek! After studying Greek theatre independently for my Historical Context unit in Triple, I already knew plenty of information about the playwrights, staging and traditions ( but we started by going through this so that everyone knew.

Afterwards, we were given an extract from the script of Antigone by Sophocles. This section features entirely chorus lines which only broken by Choragos' lines but we decided to have his lines as part of the chorus too for the purpose of our exercise. To introduce this task we watched a short video explaining how the chorus was used in Greek Theatre. In short, the chorus was usually 10-12 of Greece's best actors and the chorus lines would be split amongst them. These actors described and commented upon the main action of a play with song, dance, and recitation.

Our task was to read through the play and decide where the chorus lines can be cut off and separated for each of us.

Rob and I decided we'd take the second chorus verse which involves a lot of celebration over our recent victory and recalls the events of the recent siege. We decided our characters would be young soldiers and we split the lines evenly, each of us has 2 pairs of lines alternating between each other. I feel the alternation would showcase our youth as it shows us as very excitable and wanting to get our point out to each other.

Next lesson, we will block out the scene!

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