Friday 21 October 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 12 - 21/10/16

Today we performed our monologues for our final performance. We were asked to leave the room and we were called in to the audition room in a random order. This was very realistic as this is the typical procedure for a drama school audition.

I was first asked to perform my monologue, after being asked who my character, what play my monologue is from, and some generic background into the scene and the characters feelings.

I feel that I was very effective at portraying the energy of my character in my performance with frantic and quick movements and my young tone of voice was very suitable for showing my character's innocence.

Next, I was asked to approach my monologue in a completely different style. As opposed to being performed on the stage, I was asked to perform my monologue for a TV programme and that the camera being used to film my performance was zoomed in to show my face only.

I feel that I struggled with this as I began to focus on just my upper body as opposed to just my face but throughout the monologue I continued to put my focus back into my face. I feel that my inquisitive facial expressions were very useful at communicating a innocent vibe to the audience.

Next lesson, we will look at finding contrasting monologues.

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