Tuesday 11 October 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 13 - 11/10/16

Today we performed our scene from He's Talking and focused a lot on our voice.

As our characters all grew up in Chelsea, they are clearly from a more upper class background so we made our voices more posh for our performance. We also focused on our pronunciation of some words such as "Apartheid."

We then performed the scene and recorded it linked below (Miss Cordell stood in as Miles because Charlie was absent) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znPMdC_a6fc   /   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4djZcFtGVFI):

  • My tone of voice was very good at most points but at others it was lost.
  • I feel that the entire piece was very static and we all could've used more gestures to liven up the scene more; this would've made the scene a lot more Naturalistic.
  • We all weren't prepared for Miles' line so when it came we all didn't know what to do. We should've planned ahead for this and worked out a solution. (Hence the two video clips)
  • I feel that we all had a good understanding of our characters and this showed in the performance. This is extremely important in Naturalism.

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