Tuesday 4 October 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 11 - 04/10/16

Today, we ran through our scene from He's Talking. With James as Director he sat on the side and offered constructive criticism on how we can improve based on our voice, movement and positioning. When it came to where we were seated, we based this on relationships and the order our character discussed where they were now. For example, we had Deon and Tanya (Rob & Kat) sat next to each other because they were dating, Luke and Deon (Lewis & Rob) were sat opposite ends of the room because it's later revealed that they had an argument recently. Skeets (Ollie M) would be next to Deon but further away due to being quite distant to the group and everyone else inbetween would go from Luke to Deon in the same order they tell their stories; Oscar, Rosie, Sal, Tanya (Ollie K, Lorna, Hope, Kat).

After this we read through and rehearsed Scene 1 (replay 1) where I was now the director as James had to step in to be Miles to make up for the absence of Charlie.

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