Wednesday 5 October 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 8 - 05/10/16

Today, after a change in preparation, we had all brought one new monologue which we had prepared. After already having learnt Arthur's monologue from An Inspector Calls, I was well prepared for this lesson. These are the following notes on my first and only attempt on this monologue:

  • Think about body language - think about your character, their age, their background, and what era they're in; would they sit slouched? Upright? Legs crossed? etc.
  • Who are you directing this at? - Are you talking to? Someone else onstage? The audience? It can't be both.
From this, I know that now I need to be more precise on my characterisation otherwise the meaning of my monologue can be lost.

Next lesson, we must bring in either a brand new monologue, well-prepared, or to bring in a monologue we've already done before which we have decided to use as our final monologue for our first performance. I have chosen to bring Eddie's monologue from Fading Joy as I feel it's a monologue that I can perform very well and I am very good at characterisation when playing a younger role.

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