Friday 7 October 2016

Single - Applying Acting Styles - Blog 12 - 07/10/16

Today we continued on from last lesson running through our scene for He's Talking and working more on how we say our lines and our movement when saying them.

We looked more into who our characters were from the given descriptions of them at the beginning of the play. I already knew that my character, Luke, was very supportive of the bombings and that only Rosie really supported him in this. However, I learnt that Luke was the only one who knew about Deon and Tanya's relationship.

Before when playing Luke, I played him as a more quiet strategic man, but after performing it again today, on the second run, I was more violent and more willing to shout. I performed more as a leader of the group rather than someone who was just there to support. I showed this by having a stronger tone of voice and having a deeper voice which suggests power.

Next lesson, we will continue working on this scene and finally record our final performance of it.

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