Friday 14 October 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 11 - 14/10/16

Today, we spent time in pairs (James & Lorna/Charlie & Ollie/Rob & me) ,continuing to go over our monologues in order to get them perfect for next week.

Rob performed his monologue from Of Mice and Men to see if it was any better than his Killing Chuck monologue while I stuck to my Fading Joy monologue as I knew this was the one I was best at.

When Rob performed his monologue I felt that it took him a while to get into it which I feel is only because he was unsure on which monologue to do. When watching him, his posture, voice and gestures were great for his character but I feel some of his gestures were very repetitive so they needed changing up a bit from time to time. I also felt that his tone of voice didn't very a great deal but this was due to him not being totally familiar with this monologue.

When performing my monologue the first time, I received the following notes:

  • Very good tone of voice.
  • Brilliant movement.
  • Some typical gestures of mine were repeated so change it up a bit.
  • Try not to speak too fast or your words get slurred.
Throughout the lesson I worked on all of the negatives I was given and I felt that my monologue was finally up to scratch and ready to perform

At the end of the lesson, we were asked to perform our monologues and receive feedback from the class. After performing my monologue, I received this one and only note:
  • Get off of script.
I need to learn my monologue off by heart because with a script in my hand it's very distracting from what I'm doing and I almost stop acting when reading the script for my next line. Also, we're not allowed scripts in our actual performance, so it needs to be learnt. 

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