Wednesday 12 October 2016

Double - Auditions for Actors - Blog 10 - 12/10/16

Today, we focused a lot on our characterisation in preparation for our final performance for our first monologue next week.

We started off by writing down the feelings of our characters and some background info on them. Below is what I came up with:

We then looked into improvisation scenarios where in partners (Charlie & Rob/Lorna & Ollie/James & Me) we would be given a scenario which we would react to and interact with our partners in our characters from our chosen monologue.

The scenario James and I were given was to imagine that there was a bomb in the room and we both needed to find it or die. When reacting to the given scenario, I feel I did very well to stay in character throughout and react as my character would. For example, I got very flustered and couldn't decided whether we should touch the bomb or not for various reasons.

Our pairs were then swapped up (Charlie & Ollie/James & Lorna/Rob & Me) and we were given scenarios again however we didn't know what our partners scenarios were. For example, I was asked to sit on a chair with a bomb underneath and I wasn't allowed to move off of the chair or tell anyone why or the bomb would blow up however, Rob was told I was mental patient and he was trying to coax me off of my seat to go and get breakfast. I feel like this exercise went very well as we were both very familiar with our characters at this point so we naturally performed better.

We finished off with performed our monologues again having done all of this work on characterisation. I feel this was the best time I've ever performed my monologue as I felt like I truly knew the character after spending so much time being them. My movement related a lot more to what I was saying and I feel that my character was a great deal more believable. The number one thing I need to work on is making sure I know my monologue off by heart because a large portion of my performance today was adlibbed which isn't ideal for my final performance.

Next lesson, I will perform this monologue again but having learnt it off by heart.

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