Thursday 3 December 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 29 - 03/12/15

Today, we started with a worksheet! This asked us three main questions about our unit on Flint Street Nativity!

Below are the questions underlined.

Discussing one activity or exercise, explain how this as developed your own skills and understanding as an actor.

I wrote about the subtext exercise we performed during the adult section. This helped us explore character relationships by analysing the language used within the script. This gave us a great deal more understanding of the subtext of the script!

Because of this exercise, I now react differently to other people's lines due to my understanding of the subtext.

What research have you done into the play itself?
  • watched the play (movie)
  • spent time with my younger sister (Age 7)
  • watched children's programmes with my younger sister
What are your recommendations for developing the production further?
  • swapping kids with adults
  • a student questionnaire
  • film rehearsals for analysis
  • swapping roles with each other
  • perform a full uninterrupted runthrough
  • sort out the staging

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