Tuesday 8 December 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 31 - 08/12/15

Today we performed a full production runthrough and I feel we did rather well! Most people remembered their lines and we all maintained 100% focus!

There was a small mix-up regarding the order of sequences of events though. Lorna thought that I start my search for Bradley earlier than I actually do. This caused confusion when Hope, Cel and Toby (filling in for Rhiannon) performed a part that they already should've done but was skipped due to James and I skipping ahead. This wouldn't of happened if James, Lorna and I knew the order of events better. For next rehearsal, we will make sure that we know our cue lines which cue other people and our cue lines for ourselves.

We discovered that, although we all had a great knowledge of our lines, a lot of us forgot the lyrics to our songs. For next lesson I will have my song remembered as much as possible!

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