Wednesday 2 December 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 12 (Snow Queen) - 02/12/15

Today we quickly ran through what we had for Story 1 and then continued to devise what we had left. We finish on placing Charlie on the floor on, "Dashed into a hundred million or more pieces," and then continued with the following movements:

  • Once on the floor, on the line, "as large as a grain of sand," all of us get into the foetal position.
  • On, "which is evil," we all stand up. Ollie and Lewis lift Charlie (lying like a log) up to standing just by his arms and shoulders. Rob and Rhiannon walk towards Charlie with their upstage leg pressed against Charlie's foot (e.g. Rhiannon enters stage right, her left foot stands in front of Charlie's left foot and vice versa for Rob) Lorna and James, move downstage and as Charlie rises, they act as if they are pulling him up with rope.
  • On, "splinter in their heart," we perform pulsing hand movements in the rhythm of a steady heartbeat, (this action is led by Lorna). On each pulse, Charlie pulses his chest.
  • On, "window panes," we formed a circle around Charlie which was the same order as the circle at the beginning, with the exception of Charlie (Lorna, James, Lewis, Rhiannon, Ollie, Rob)
  • On, "wicked sprite laughed," we each performed back bends in cannon. As we performed them, Charlie reached out to the audience in an attempt to escape.
For our performance of this Story, which is linked here: , I have listed a few ways we could improve our performance:
  • When we get, "dashed into a hundred million or more pieces," I got into the foetal position straight away as opposed to on the line, "grain of sand."
  • Also on this move, Rob and James are supposed to switch positions so James is now at the front so he can pull his imaginary rope to help Charlie up, now when everyone gets up, James and Rob switch then which looks very messy.
  • When we turn around when in a line, we are all meant to turn over our right shoulder. However, on both times, Charlie turned over his left.
Also in this lesson, we helped James summarise his Story so it is long enough to make a scene out of but not too long! For next lesson we will all already have our scenes summarised and bring in devised plans! I have already summarised my story (from four pages down to one and a bit) but I still need to devise my piece; I believe silhouettes would be a great way to portray my story!!

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