Friday 4 December 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 15 - 04/12/15

Today in Double, we performed a full runthrough of our production and I feel it went superb! We also performed with props and costume for the first time! Here is the list of props and costume we used:

  • Fox ears and tails (four of each)
  • Inflatable Belly (For Boggis & Mole/Rob)
  • Farmer's Hat (For Boggis/Rob)
  • Spoon (For Boggis/Rob)
  • Gun (For Boggis/Rob)
  • Spectacles (For Mole/Rob)
  • Chickens and Cider Bottle Cardboard Cut-Outs
  • Spade (For Bunce/James)
  • Gun (For Bean/Lewis)
  • Rat Nose (For Rat/Lorna)
  • Walkie Talkie (For Boggis & Bean/ Rob & Lewis
We laid out the props on prop tables in each of the wings for easy access and so they weren't lost; they were all on their specified table which was relevant to where the user was coming off! This performance was our best yet and there were a great deal of good notes:

  • Charlie engaged the audience very well and instantly with his characterisation!
  • All of our costumes looked great and were effective at portraying our characters!
  • Rhiannon's approach to Mrs. Fox was a great deal softer as opposed to her previous sarcastic and vindictive approach! This was much more child friendly and refreshing!
  • Our music worked very well; it was timed properly and all links worked!
  • "The Race," was as great as ever and was extremely side-splitting!
  • "The Great Feast," song was a very sweet ending to a tense and funny production!
  • Lorna's characterisation of Fox Cub and Rat were very contrasting and because her actions were very cogent, she produced very authentic characters!
  • Lewis' characterisation of Rabbit was absolutely hilarious (not one to blow my own horn!)
  • Lewis' Bean voice was maintained throughout the entire production and showed his ability to characterise very well as this voice contrasted very well with Rabbits!
  • Lorna and Lewis maintained great focus for the whole run!
Some key improvements which we need to work on feature:
  • Lorna needs a backpack for the, "Terrible Shovels," scene (Charlie: Kids go pack your stuff)
  • Ollie needs to learn his lines for narration in order for everyone else to know what comes next; some of his lines cue others lines! He also needs to be much more engaging and energetic with the audience! The children's theatre unit is meant for entertaining the audience of children and this means being energetic and interactive! A way for Ollie to improve his interaction is by repeating the Boggis, Bunce and Bean rhyme many times in order to get the audience buzzing at the get go!
  • Rob should eat food during the shooting scene instead of actually shooting Mr Fox! This plays to his character's personality better and adds yet another layer of comedy!
  • Charlie's, "Fried Chicken?" section needs to be longer and clearer in order for the children to hear and fully understand the humour of the joke! Also, during, "The Great Feast," scene, he should elongate his, "dad dancing," as this is a very humorous part of the scene which the children will appreciate!
  • James needs to really learn his lines as he was constantly delayed and he missed some very key lines (James: We could stop him?). He also needs to work on his characterisation for Fox Cub as he's not very believable! Children need convincing characters to relate to during a performance in order to fully entertain them. Also, when in the role of Bunce, he needs to keep his posture consistent as this removes the whole atmosphere and stigma of his character.
  • Lewis needs to try and find a walkie talkie prop for the, "We'll never let him go," scene. Having a walkie talkie instead of a mobile phone is much more relatable to children as children of the age we're performing to, 4-6, won't have a mobile phone but they'll be lot more familiar with walkie talkies!
  • As a group, we need to be quieter when we're in the wings; the children might hear us and they'll be less focused on the actual performance!
Below is a list of all costumes for each character:
  • Charlie (Mr. Fox)
    • Blue Suit Trousers
    • Blue Suit Jacket
    • White Shirt
    • Black Bow Tie
    • Black Shoes
    • Fox ears and tail
  • Rhiannon (Mrs. Fox)
    • Dress
    • Leggings under dress
    • Apron
    • Vest top under dress
    • Fox Ears and tail
  • James (Fox Cub)
    • Black Joggers
    • Black Top
    • Fox ear and tail
  • Lorna (Fox Cub)
    • Black leggings
    • Black Top
    • Fox ears and tail
  • Rob (Boggis)
    • Black Joggers
    • Black Top
    • Inflatable Belly
    • Farmer's Hat
  • James (Bunce)
    • Black Joggers
    • Black Top
    • Farmer's Hat
  • Lewis (Bean)
    • Black Joggers
    • Black Top
    • Farmer's Hat
    • Necklace for Fox Tail Necktie
    • Fox Tail Necktie (After, "The Shooting.")
  • Ollie (Badger)
    • Black Trousers
    • Grey Waistcoat
    • White Shirt
  • Lewis (Rabbit)
    • Black Joggers
    • Black Top
    • Bunny ears
  • Rob (Mole)
    • Back Joggers
    • Black Top
    • Inflatable Belly (Worn on his back)
    • Spectacles

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