Tuesday 8 December 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 17 (Evaluation) - 07/12/15

Today was the big day; our first performance of Fantastic Mr Fox! I feel our performance was superb and kept every child entertained. I feel that these are the things which went incredibly well and what we would need to improve on:

Scene 1: 
  • great impacting movement and our interaction between each other made the entire scene very comical
  • this led to the effect of a believable family
  • the transition between this scene and the next was very fluid
  • in order to make this scene better, Charlie must engage with the audience more which will strengthen the bond between the protagonist and the audience
Scene 2:
  • James' stance as Bunce was lost from the beginning of the scene
  • Rob's entrance was very comical
  • overall movement across the scene was characterised well
  • Rob's mime during Boggis' description was very funny providing a good insight to the character
  • James' mime was practically non-existent as he only stood still as Bunce
  • my mime was well prepared and was characterised very well
  • Ollie's interaction with the audience was very age appropriate and the audience joined in with the Boggis, Bunce and Bean song rather promptly
Scene 3:
  • the movement in this scene for all three of us was very characterised superbly and made the characters authentic
  • James seemed far too scary for our audience age
  • Rob's characterisation was great
  • James messed up his lines which left an awkward gap
  • the interaction between James and Rob was great throughout
  • the punch was hilarious and evoked a positive reaction from the audience
  • my entrance to break up the fight was urgent, direct and forceful
  • we all maintained a great knowledge of power and status
  • my interactive conversation with the audience was amazing and I managed to deal with every response well
  • I said the word, "big" quite a lot when describing where Mr Fox lived so I need to vary my vocabulary a lot more
  • I forgot to start off the laughing which lost the meaning of the joke
Scene 4:
  • the sneaking was very good behind the audience and got their attention
  • worryingly, this distracted the audience from Mr Fox's entrance
  • Charlie's tail fell off when it wasn't meant to so it wasn't attached properly
  • he covered this up well but the cover up wasn't needed as the audience wasn't paying attention to Charlie at all
  • Charlie's fried chicken line was far too quick as it wasn't articulated very well and the audience were still focused on the farmers
  • the shooting scene was very effective but may have frightened the children, however the movement was the perfect speed and our facial expressions were very exaggerated
Scene 5:
  • some of the humour between Mr and Mrs Fox may have been too old for our young audience
  • the choral speech between the two fox cubs was very cute and this characterisation created authentic fox cub characters
  • James' characterisation could've been better though
  • the interaction between the narrator and the children was perfect and every child joined in
  • the build up to the race was perfect with nice stretches
  • the slow motion race was absolutely hilarious and kept the audience interested throughout with funny facial expressions and over-the-top movement
Scene 6:
  • the transition between scenes was unrecognisable
  • my voice went part way through the scene but I managed to get it back
  • the length of time between each, "Shhhh" moment was perfect and was very funny
  • James forgot one of his lines but then said it midway through my speech, this led to mild confusion and a small gap of awkward silence
  • the X factor joke seemed a bit lost as it wasn't appropriate to our audience
  • the laughing in this scene was better than that of scene 3
Scene 7:
  • Lorna maintained her child voice throughout the entire scene
  • the physical comedy was great and was very suitable for our audience
  • very good interaction with Mr Fox and the audience
Scene 8:
  • the movement in the entire scene was perfect and showed the struggle the foxes went through in a comical way
  • the child voices were as convincing as ever
  • great reactions to finding the huge amount of food
Scene 9:
  • very positive reactions from the children
  • Lorna's movement, voice and actions as a child were terrific
  • "You've really gone and done it now," like the X factor joke, wasn't well matched to the audience
Scene 10:
  • the sneaking was great
  • movement from Charlie, James and Lorna was consistently great!
Scene 11:
  • my entrance as Rabbit was very good and established the character well
  • Rob was very late with his, "Thirsty," line but this wasn't a major mistake
  • Rob nearly fell over during his entrance
  • Lorna's awkward costume change was very good as it didn't grab the audience's attention
  • Rat's entrance was very effective at grasping the audience's attention
  • Lorna's Rat characterisation was very good and showed a clear contrast from her other character
  • everyone poking out of the cider jar line was very funny and amused the audience a lot
  • head poking was in time everytime
  • one of Charlie's lines was delayed and created an awkward silence
  • everyone's exits were effective and fluent
Scene 12:
  • the summary of the ending narration was very funny and age appropriate
  • the song was very entertaining
  • most people needed to sing louder especially Rhiannon in her solo
  • everyone needed to sing during the chorus not just 3 people
  • Charlie should've started the goodbye as this led to an awkward silence for a few seconds until I started the goodbye
Key notes for improvement:
  • James needs to establish his characterisation more
  • Rhiannon needs to be louder in her solo in the song
  • Charlie needs to make sure his tail is loose enough to take off but not too loose that it falls off
  • everyone needs to be aware what their lines are and when they are to avoid awkward silences
  • we need to either make sure we get the correct audience we prepared for (5-7 year-olds) or change our performance to better match our comedy with their sense of humour (e.g. switch X Factor for Dora The Explorer)

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