Friday 11 December 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 33 - 11/12/15

Today in Single, we attempted another full runthrough which turned out really well! I felt I performed amazingly well as Star and my Uncle Ted was the best it's ever been.

I also performed in some of my costume for once too! I wore my Star hat which I made at home and I wore a thermal blanket as mentioned in a script!

I performed my song for the first time today without reading from the script fully but I kept it with me as a prompt. I only needed the script once and it went rather well! Next rehearsal, I'm hoping to do it without a script!

When we performed the adult section, there were a lot of mistakes! This was because, where we had a spent a lot of time on the child parts, not many people kept on top of their lines. This led to many prompts being needed especially in, "Sarah Bennet's Breakdown," part. The lack of concentration started getting us and this led to people sitting down, not giving it their all or getting angry at others. This attitude towards rehearsals needs to be changed as we're less than a week away from our performance and we won't be ready in time for the performance date.

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