Monday 7 December 2015

Double - Children's Theatre (FMF) - Blog 16 - 07/12/15

Today was the performance of our Children's Theatre Unit production of Fantastic Mr Fox and we needed to fit as much rehearsal time as possible! We started the day with a prop sort out and making sure we had every prop! After much confusion over who was bringing what prop in, we only got one farmer hat! I though that Bean should be the farmer with the hat, not for selfish reasons, but because the other two farmers had distinguishing factors which separated them from the rest of the cast: Boggis with his large inflatable belly and Bunce with his height. As Bean had nothing which characteristically obvious about him, we gave Bean the hat.

After a prop sort out, we performed a run through to nitpick the final changes which needed to be made! Then came another runthrough, but this time with an audience!!!

We performed our piece to an audience of 30 Year 9's who surprisingly enjoyed it despite it being aimed at 6 year-olds; this was rather worrying. They were a great audience who supplied us with great reactions and got involved in interaction.

Upon this runthrough, I realised a massive flaw which we hadn't noticed in other runthroughs. At the end of, "We'll Never Let Him Go," I lead James and Rob off to the right wing however they both start their next scene on the left wing. This means not only are they in the wrong wing to start, but they couldn't improvise and run on from a different side because their props and costume was on the other props table in the other wing where they should've been before. To combat this for our real performance, I will move my prop I need for my next scene (the bunny ears for Rabbit), to the left wing prop table and I'd come on from this wing as opposed to the other for the beginning of, "Bean's Cider Cellar Raid." This means at the end of, "We'll Never Let Him Go," James, Rob and I can all exit to the left wing and have all of our props ready for our next scenes.

After these last minute runthroughs, I feel a great deal more confident for our assessed performance!

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