Saturday 26 September 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 7 - 24/09/15

This lesson we prepared for our MP monologues! We did this by watching videos and listening to the opinions of the MPs on the London Riots. This will aid us in writing our own monologues for MPs as we would have a full insight into their views on the riots. Our homework for this lesson was to spend our weekend to write our monologues for the MP scene in the final performance. 

This is the monologue which I made:

What happened here last Thursday night brings up a great deal of questions, and these questions need answers! These events have led to disarray with unsurity around the number of casualties and fatalities of the innocent population. The police aren't blameless! The initial smaller uprisings should've been dealt with in a more prompt manner and this is unacceptable.

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