Friday 4 September 2015

Double - Practitioners (Frantic Assembly) - Blog 1 - 04/09/15

This was our first lesson of not only Double Performing Arts but Performing Arts in it's entirety. Despite only knowing a few people, I easily got on well and worked well with everybody in the class. We all showed a positive attitude towards not only working but performing too!

To kick of the lesson we got into pairs and listed reasons why people do drama. We came up with a huge list of reasons including, To entertain people, To gain life skills, and To educate yourself and others. This exercise helped us all vocalise our reasons and allow others to get to know us somewhat.

Afterwards, we did an exercise in which there we three chairs and we had to move form chair to chair simultaneously with the rest of the class. After perfecting the original task we added a different stimuli and movements to enhance our exercise. This helped us work together as one unit and develop our improve skills.

Following this we did an exercise where we got into partners and had to keep eye contact and stay the same distance apart from each other. One person would be the leader, so whenever they moved, their partner would mirror their actions as if they were connected by a web by the eyes. After we had practiced this for a while, two Year 13s, Toby and Ash, then attempted to interrupt our concentration whilst we're still moving. If someone were to lose eye contact with their partner then they would have to join whoever caught their eye (e.g. If James were to lose eye contact with me and then focus on Toby, he would then partner with Toby, his new leader and I would then go to steal someone else's partner.)

After this exercise we started briefly on our work to do with physical theatre called Round-By-Through. Through is walking through someone such as going underneath the arms or through the legs. Round is spinning around someone by rolling across their body. By is using hand gestures with your partner's body. We only covered this shortly though. We then watched each pairs work and added different music in the background, changed the tempo of their entire piece and changed the pairs focus. We also analysed each performance and thought up scenario's and stories behind their movement.

This first lesson was extremely fun and I very much look forward to the next one!

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