Tuesday 29 September 2015

Double - Refugee Devised - Blog 6 - 29/09/15

This lesson we lacked the presence of Rhiannon so we couldn't work on her lift as we had planned to but we still had plenty to be getting on with.

We started the lesson discussing what we needed to do and basically made a plan. We decided that the child soldier scene needed some extra work and we hadn't even touched on Charlie's monologue. 

We followed this planning with finalising the child soldier scene. With the research I made (on the last double blog), Ollie and I found it a great deal easier to create our dialogue. We've changed Lorna and Rob's movement in this scene so that they progressively mature throughout their "gunfight" and they're not freaked out after killing, they merely walk towards the corpses, walk back to their original positions and await mine and Ollie's entrance. This reflects how child soldiers are trained to be soulless and careless about what they do. When Ollie and I walk in, we also bring this up as we say between us, "We've done it, we broke them down to their basic parts and rebuilt them into our own obedient robotic fighters!" Following this, Ollie and I circle Lorna and Rob and alternate speech. We lay into them reminding them that they have no past and they are now "men of uniform. " Saying men instead of children signifies that they no longer have an age and that they're being thrown into the battlefield.

Charlie also brought an idea to the table regarding something he saw in an army programme on TV before. He remembered a scene where the sergeant is shouting at his troop an inch away from his face while the soldier maintains a straight face forward. The sergeant shouts, " What are you?" and every time the soldier would reply, "A soldier!" The first time he says it rather quietly yet strongly, the second time he says it a bit louder whilst being slightly annoyed, and the third time, because his sergeant shouted extremely loud this time, he turns to his sergeant, looking exceedingly angry, and shouts, "I'm a fucking soldier!" We've decided to "borrow" this for our piece.

Finally, we quickly ran through the final scene, which is a depressing reprise of the first scene, a couple of times so that we can tweak anything that needs adding.

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