Monday 21 September 2015

Triple - Devised Unit (LR) - Blog 5 - 21/09/15

Today, we watched part of a documentary centred around the lives of the civilians who took no part in the London Riots but were forced to watch it surround them. It focuses on their feelings and motives during this period and the things they witnessed. Whilst watching this documentary, we made notes for us to refer to later.

At the end of the lesson, we had decided the contents of our final performance and the order of these contents. We would start off with the ill Manors gorilla physical theatre piece we had made on one of our first lessons then move onto our rioter interviews. After this we would perform a still image/transition piece where we show the scenarios which took place that led to the rioters interviews. We then would have our police to psychiatrist interviews followed by an emotional turmoil piece which would then illustrate what happened to these police officers which led to their need for psychiatrist help. We would then have a consequences scene in which it shows the consequences of the illegal behaviour of the rioters. Following this, we would have a series of speeches made by MPs and then to finish we would have a reprise of the ill Manors gorilla physical theatre scene but instead of having chavs being symbolised as apes we would retain our characters from the last scene and show the MPs as apes.

The only scenes out of these that we haven't yet devised are, the MP scene, the emotional turmoil scene, the consequences scene and the still image/transition scene.

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