Friday 25 September 2015

Double - Refugee Devised - Blog 5 - 25/09/15

This lesson, we decided we needed to analyse our piece properly and see if our piece was going to portray the message we wanted it to. After running thorough our entire performance, we'd decided many things needed altering. 

Firstly, our opening scene, the circus introduction, lacked the circus atmosphere. We edited this by replacing the transsexual (James) and the acrobatic twins (Ollie and I) with, "The Three Amigos!" These clowns are entertaining throughout with slapstick fighting, melodrama and clumsiness. We added Rob in as an additional child soldier with Lorna and we changed their entrance so that they come bursting onto the stage in an acrobatic and energetic way and they proceed to aim at the Amigos; this causes The Three Amigos to panic, and die in a melodramatic way. 

Rhiannon's circus character has now been altered from an escape artist to a magician too. She enters from stage left/right and she notices The Three Amigos getting up. The Amigos walk towards her intimidatingly and she backs up against the curtain. As we get closer, Rob and Lorna come over us with a black sheet. They hold this sheet up blocking our view of Rhiannon which gives her the chance to "disappear" (hide behind the curtain) without the Amigos or the audience seeing her. She then "reappears" with The Three Amigos carrying her back onto the stage.

After making sure we all knew this scene, we discussed the rest of the piece, what scenes we were keeping and who knew what. This conference improved all of our knowledge on the outline of the piece. 

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