Saturday 26 September 2015

Single - Contemporary Theatre Unit (FSN) - Blog 4 - 24/09/15

This lesson, we split the group in half (Lorna, Ollie M, James, Rob, Rhiannon/ Cel, Charlie, Kat, Ollie K and I) and were told to quickly devise devise a short piece based on children preparing for their nativity; so basically we had to make our own Flint Street Nativity.

In our group, we decided our plot was to be a rehearsal gone wrong! We had all replicated different stereotypes of 7 year-olds to make our characters more believable. We also went for the offensive approach with our characters. Most 7 year-olds are brutally honest and unintentionally inappropriate, so we decided to have our characters say inappropriate things such as, "Baby Jesus can't be brown!!" and, "That's the noise my mummy makes most nights."

After rehearsing, we performed our pieces to the other group and they presented theirs.

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