Wednesday 23 September 2015

Double - Storytelling - Blog 3 (Original/Classic Story Telling) - 23/09/15

Today, we elaborated more on our story telling and began to script a story for us to perform; whether it be an already made story or an original story. We split into groups (Lorna & James, Charlie & Rob/ Ollie, Rhiannon & I) and started brainstorming ideas. 

Firstly, I had suggested the story of a man who had really wanted a pet and one day gets the perfect the dog, a dog that can do tricks, talk, obey orders, everything! But the catch was only this man could see this dog; to everyone else it seems he was talking to thin air. Through the frustration caused by no one believing him, he attempts to kill this imaginary dog but this results in his own death. The man is found the next day dead with bite marks to his entire body.
I personally felt that this idea was good as it shows the madness of an individual who wants one thing in his life and as he can't have it, it leads to his suicide, and Ollie and Rhiannon agreed. Although they felt that a dog would be difficult to portray so we tweaked the idea to replace the dog with an imaginary friend.

There would be a boy (Me) who had an imaginary friend called Evie (Rhiannon) and he always did what she said. We thought we could use this as a link to mixed personality disorder and that this "imaginary friend," would be the boy's other identity. Evie would tell the boy to do things which leads to him murdering and blaming it on Evie, claiming it wasn't him, "she did it."
By the end of the lesson, we got halfway through making our script, so next lesson we will finish the script, rehearse then perform.

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