Monday 23 January 2017

Triple - Musical Theatre Unit (RENT) - Evaluation - 23/01/17

Rent Evaluation:

Act One:
Opening (Tune Up #1, Voicemail #1, Tune Up #2, Rent):
I felt that the opening was very strong and conveyed the emotions of our characters very well to begin with. My entrance was noticeable although I feel I needed more volume to be heard over the music. This is because I am standing next to the speaker at this point so if I were to perform this again, I would either stand further away from the speaker or sing louder.

Today 4 U/You'll See:
I feel that Today 4 U went very well! We had lots of energy and we all interacted with each other well when Owen comes on as Angel. During You’ll See, Owen and I looked very lost throughout as we didn’t have many lines. Also at the end when we’re all supposed to say “We’ll see” only Cameron does so as the rest of us forgot. Besides this, the rest of the song went very well.

Life Support/Another Day/Will I?:
For Life Support, Cameron managed to get the timing right for the fast section at the beginning which kept spirits high throughout this section. Everyone in the chorus could be heard during Another Day when we sing “I can’t control...” For Will I?, Henri and Owen left the stage at the right time which had been an issue a few times in rehearsal.

Santa Fe/I'll Cover You:
This part of RENT was probably the best section for me as my character. Santa Fe was full of energy and showed off my full range of vocal abilities. The movement was purposeful which stopped the number being forced.

I’ll Cover You was simply flawless. This was the best time we’d ever done it before with nice sounding harmonies, romantic movement and a believable kiss to end it.

Act Two:
La Vie Boheme/Happy New Year:
La Vie Boheme was a very impressive opening to Act Two with plenty of energetic movements. However, when it came to the “...brothers” section, Owen and I looked very awkward as when we kissed, we staggered before doing so making it look forced.

Happy New Year was purposeful and had plenty of movement which represented mood of the scene. Our separation between certain characters and our spacing displayed our relationships very well.

Without You/I'll Cover You (Reprise):
Without You was, in my opinion, one of the best numbers in the entire show. Taylor and Henri’s singing mad the scene extremely emotional as well as the miming in the background of the scene. Despite being non-verbal, our movement scene did well to display the emotions of the scene, not to mention the conflict between Maureen and Joanne and Benny’s redemption.

I’ll Cover You (Reprise) was the best it’s ever been. I feel I conveyed a great deal of emotion through this song and my facial expressions supported this. Towards the end, I lost volume as I went too high and I started to crack but I pulled this off into stuttering and crying which I felt worked well.

Goodbye Love/Seasons of Love:
At the last minute, I changed how I enter in Goodbye Love from walking in slowly into a run. This shows that I could hear my friends arguing from some sort of distance. I feel that my tone of voice during scene shows my disgust towards my friends and could possibly reveal that I leave my friends. This, of course, unconfirmed in our version as we end at Goodbye Love.

Seasons of Love was also very good! It was a brilliant ending to the rollercoaster of emotions which is RENT!

General Notes:
  • Due to technical difficulties, the mobile phone used for the music in the performance received multiple notifications throughout the show which were sounded over the speakers which not only played a tone, but lowered the volume of the song playing at the time while the tone sounds.
  • There were some errors regarding set/props such as two blocks being brought on for Owen to stand on during I’ll Cover You (Reprise) and props being left on the table after Will I? when they needed to be removed for Santa Fe.

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