Tuesday 24 January 2017

Single - Devised Unit (Ghost Stories) - Blog 5 - 24/01/17

Today we redesigned the motif idea and discussed what else we could have for our three main bulky scenes.

For the motif scene we wanted to use typical things that psychiatrists would do to examine mentally scarred patients. We wanted to start off with the original scene of me walking across the room following Ollie with a clipboard. Below are the three other motif scenes we want to have:
  • Ollie is sitting in a chair and a doctor would use hand puppetry to lift up Ollie's arm and test his hand by clenching and unclenching his fist to be sure he still "works".
  • Ollie stands in the centre of the room and doctor stands beside him with a clipboard. The lighting in the room would change from white to a colour and then Ollie would name that colour and it would switch to another. This would be in a very dead and monotoned voice, said quite slowly with plenty of pause between the colour change and the naming of the colour; this is testing Ollie's perception.
  • Ollie is standing in the centre and a doctor is standing beside him. They move behind Ollie and turn his head with their hands, first looking left, right then up and down. If this were to be final scene, we'd have the doctor step back from Ollie and the light would fade to black. Once there is a black out, there'd be short flash of light back to a black out in which a bone cracking sound effect sounds, and Ollie twists his head to the side making it look like he's breaking his neck.
We then discussed the ideas we had for our first scene. We first thought that terror can haunt a person for a long time so we linked this to terrorism and to different bombings. We originally wanted to base this on the monologue from the play Eight which is about a man who gives 10p to someone so they can buy a Mars Bar, this is the same man who leaves the shop and goes on to blow up a bus; the 7/7 bombings. We then went on to the idea of 9/11 as I didn't think we should base our piece off of another play as that ruins the originality of our piece and it wouldn't be as creative. Next lesson, we will report this to Ollie and start working on the bombings scene.

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