Friday 13 January 2017

Double - Performance Workshop - Blog 4 - 13/01/17

Today we continued to work on our opening song from where we left off.

For the next section, we go into our staggered position again ready for the last few lines before the whole last verse repeats. Then for the repeated section, we do the following movements:
  • Ollie and Lorna grab a torch from the wings and kneel down at the front. Rob stands at the back with a taxi sign held up high. I walk in with a stool and sit behind Ollie and then later James' gets in too. This represents the taxi.
Just before the last two lines, we all disperse taking our props to the wings. James enters with a letter and his flowers and sits centre stage looking at it. Ollie and Rob, and Lorna and I stand either side of the stage and cuddle. When we come to our "Come to me," unison line, we all face the front.

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